
Online advertising

Advertising can be a costly business, so it’s crucial to use it hyper-effectively. Of course, there’s no better place to do it than online.

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Have you ever been haunted by an ad for a winter coat during the hot summer months after you’ve already bought it? Don’t sweat it; that won’t happen with us. Every online advertising campaign we create is on point. Yours will be, too. With online advertising, you are always visible to the right audience, but only when they need you and with the message you want to convey, whether it involves social media advertising, Google Ads, display advertising, or video advertising.


Well begun is half done. That’s why we investigate everything: your market, your industry, your segment, and your competitors. We’d even pat them down if we could. We also examine trends, your current market position, and, more importantly, where you want to be. Knowing where we're headed makes it easier to chart the right course.

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You have a fantastic brand or product and are on the starting blocks, ready to offer your audience something great. But first, you need to reach them and get them to act. We will handle that. What do you want?

Social advertising

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn… your audience is always online, everywhere, so you should be too. Right where your audience is active, we put you in the social spotlight. We draw them to you with sharp, eye-catching ads and targeted strategies.

Display advertising

Stand out with stunningly beautiful display banners. From branding to activation, whatever your goal is, we bring you into view of the right audience and convince them to choose your brand—have you ever seen those cool ads that take over entire homepages? They could be yours on the most relevant websites.


Don’t let a single customer slip through your fingers. We closely follow your target audience; when they want you, we bring you back into their view. For instance, with the product they previously searched for or a related product that suits your new customer perfectly. That extra push on platforms like Facebook, in search engines, or on relevant websites can clinch that conversion.

Affiliate marketing

Ride on the success of webshops, platforms, and blogs where your audience hangs out daily. We find the best affiliates who deliver solid results for you and we will negotiate the best deals.

Search advertising

Your audience searches for you in well-known search engines, so you must ensure you appear at the top of the search results. Does someone enter a relevant search query? Bam! You appear at the top of the list with the right words.

Video advertising

The massive reach of video ads cannot be overestimated. With precise targeting, we reach suitable viewers with the right video. From visuals, sound, and voice to special effects – your video advertisements rise above the noise and make the right impact. Where, you ask? For example, on YouTube and relevant websites.

Shopping advertising

Your audience is ready to buy, searches for a specific product, and sees a striking Google Shopping ad with the complete picture: your product photo, price, delivery terms, variants, and ratings. They are just one click away from conversion.

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Anyone can set up an ad. Click 'Promote Post' on Facebook and… end up disappointed. Online advertising is more than just throwing money at the screen and hoping for the best. It involves thinking about who you want to reach, what phase of their customer journey they are currently in, what you want to tell them, and what call to action you want to include. We know our stuff. And your audience? They want you. Are you ready to strike?


Just chatting about your issue or curious what we can do for your business? Leave your details and we will call you back within one business day for a no-obligation introduction.